Saturday, January 16, 2010

False Reports of UN Ordering Medical Personnel to Leave Haiti Field Hospital


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via (title unknown) by Peter Daou on 1/16/10

At no time did the UN order any medical team to leave their work sites in PaP. If any medical personnel evacuated it was at the request of their own organization.

In response to troubling reports that the UN ordered doctors to leave a field hospital in Haiti (including a front page feature on, here's an official statement Dispatch just received:


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Sandra Bullock gives $1 million to Haiti relief

LOS ANGELES – Sandra Bullock said Friday she donated $1 million toward Haitian earthquake relief, and Madonna announced she gave $250,000 toward the effort as celebrity aid continued to pour into the devestated country.
Bullock's contribution went to Doctors Without Borders' emergency operations in Port-Au-Prince, where three of the organization's existing facilities were damaged by the magnitude 7.0 quake.
"I wanted to ensure that my donation would be used immediately to meet the needs of the Haitian people affected by this catastrophic event," said Bullock in a statement.
Madonna's gift was to Partners In Health, a longtime medical provider in Haiti.
"I urge all of my friends and fans around the world to join me collectively to match my contribution or give in any way you can," she said. "We must act now."
Earlier Friday, Not On Our Watch, an advocacy and grantmaking group founded by George Clooney, Brad Pitt and others, donated $1 million to Partners in Health.
The international Red Cross estimates 45,000 to 50,000 people were killed in the earthquake, which devastated the Caribbean nation on Tuesday.

Water For Haiti, Now


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via Main RSS Feed by Peter Gleick, Pacific Institute on 1/14/10

In any disaster like this, after search, rescue, and immediate medical care, clean and safe water becomes a critical need.


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