View this email as a web page. | Zeeshan,
Flying into Port-au-Prince for the second time since the earthquake -- I was pleased to see continued signs of an expanding relief effort.
Today, I'll help my team deliver the emergency supplies we brought with us on our plane.
Donation by donation, it's the generosity of people like you that is keeping this relief effort going. And your continued dedication is what will make sure the Haitian people have the tools and supplies they need to rebuild.
As you read this, work is underway to deliver meals, set up temporary shelters, and restore access to health services for earthquake survivors. I'm proud that today we were able to deliver laptops, generators, plastic sheeting, protein bars, and 1,900 lbs of medical supplies.
And it's not going to stop there.
Long after the television crews have gone and emergency response teams have returned to their home countries, I can promise you the Clinton Foundation will remain committed to Haiti's long-term rebuilding and recovery.
We will work with reputable organizations, the Haitian government, and most importantly the people of Haiti to ensure that they are empowered to create more opportunities for jobs, education, and health care than existed the day before this tragedy occurred.
There is a Haitian proverb, "Men anpil chay pa lou," which translates as "Many hands lighten the load." It's going to take a lot of help and a long time, but I know that together you and I can lighten the load that the Haitian people have carried on their own for far too long.
I'll continue to be in touch as our work continues here in Port-au-Prince and beyond.
Bill Clinton
PS. Only with your continued generosity will we be able to sustain these efforts. Please make a donation of any size today: |    | The Clinton Foundation seeks to address some of the world's more pressing challenges -- such as HIV/AIDS, global climate change, and extreme poverty -- through collaborative and systematic effort.
| William J. Clinton Foundation • 55 West 125th St. • New York, NY 10027
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